Campaign Manager - Campaigns

Using Creative Library

Use Creative Library to find and select the Email creatives you want to add to campaigns.


Creatives contain the content of the emails you are sending out as part of your campaign. You can add as many email creatives to a campaign as you need. For example, your first email creative could be initial mail shot, your second email creative could be a reminder email, and your third email creative could be an offer triggered by any responses to the initial mailings.


Note: Email creatives cannot be created in Creative Library, they only be selected. Use Creative Builder to create your email creatives. Email creatives are global, which means they are available for use in any campaign.

(To create and edit creatives, select Creative Builder from the slide-out navigation panel on the left of the screen. See the 'Creative Builder' section of this online help for full details.)

Functions to help you find your creatives:

Email Manager Account LinksEM account links facilitate the connection between Campaign Manager and Email Manager. The link creates a two-way connection deploying emails to EM and collecting events back to CM. Select the pre-defined account you want to use from the drop-down list.
Filtering Allows you to select the creatives to be displayed by filtering on the date the creatives were last modified.
Sorting Click the SORT BY icon and select to sort the creative display by Last Modified Date or Creative Name. By default, the creatives are displayed in descending modified date order (indicated by an arrow pointing downwards in the SORT BY field). To sort by ascending date order, click Last Modified Date, the arrow points upwards in the SORT BY field.
Search Click in the Search All Creatives by name box and enter your search term(s). The Search function overrides filters and returns results regardless of any filters that are applied. To cancel the current search criteria, click the X in the search box. The current search is cleared and the screen reverts to the display before searching. Any filters are reapplied.


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